Gamma Chapter of Purdue University
ΛΦΞ National History

Lambda Phi Xi Multicultural Sorority was established in the Spring of 2004. It was at this time that Our Founding Ladies had a Vision for a Multicultural Sorority. These two Ladies desired Sisterhood and felt the need to create an organization that both of their respective Schools were lacking. These Founders wanted an all-inclusive organization that focused on the idea of the complete woman, while at the same time creating a multicultural sisterhood whose focus would lie with the issues of women living in the postmillennial era.
While their Vision was strong, the road to building the organization they longed for would not be easy. Soon Joined by three other women desiring the same type of sisterhood, these Five Ladies pulled together to lay the Foundation of Lambda Phi Xi Multicultural Sorority. The Five Founding Ladies felt that their organization should hold true to the Ideals of Educational Achievement, Strength through Diversity, as well as Service Excellence and Sisterhood Unparalleled.
While at times it proved quite challenging, they remained devoted to the task of bringing Lambda Phi Xi to realization, and on January 27, 2004, what had once been a held as a dream, finally became a reality. These Five Ladies would be known as the Amethyst Founders of Lambda Phi Xi Multicultural Sorority, with Lambda Phi Xi having joint Founding birthplaces at Michigan State University and Purdue University Calumet respectively.
Through Expansion and Membership Intake, Four Ladies emerged during the first year of Lambda Phi Xi's existence that helped take the Sorority to new heights. These new Lady Xi's were bestowed the title of Onyx Founders; since without all of their hard work and tenacity, Lambda Phi Xi would not be what it is today, thus giving these Four Ladies Honorary Founder status.
Once all Nine Founding Ladies came together, they were in awe of what they had created and realized Lambda Phi Xi Multicultural Sorority would be unstoppable. Holding steadfast to the pillars that make this organization distinct, these Nine Ladies transformed Lambda Phi Xi form the vision held by two, into the organization that it is today, cherished by many. Lambda Phi Xi became incorporated on June 11, 2005, forever changing its name to Lambda Phi Xi Multicultural Sorority, Inc. Through our Illustrious Sisterhood, Lady Xi's hope to show the world that Diversity can be a masterpiece.