Gamma Chapter of Purdue University
Our Purpose...
Lambda Phi Xi's purpose is to create a diverse sisterhood where women of all natures, regardless of race, religion, political affiliation, economic standing, age, size, or sexual preference can come together in a positive, nurturing environment, uniting to advance the ideals of equality, multiculturalism, educational achievement, unsurpassed strength and personal values.

Our Vision...
The ultimate vision of Lambda Phi Xi is to prepare its members to be productive, contributing citizens of society by instilling in them the qualities needed to be role models for women of the 21st century. As "Lady Xi's" we strive to exude the characteristics of True Ladies and Honorable Leaders both on our campuses and in our communities. Our aim to intertwine our numerous cultures into a single masterpiece of diversity remains at the forefront of our organization. Through our hard work and dedication, it is our hope to uplift and engage those around us to show them the rewards of being an active participant in a multicultural society. Finally, as always, we continue to remain Ladies above women and Leaders above many.